[TRANS] 08/7/2011 Heechul Twitter Update

posted by ~LovelyGaze~ on , ,

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@Heedictator: Muzie-hyung of UV gave us a Great idea just now! He told us to make the meaning of M&D into 'Mo or Do if not'!! Since our concept is Black & White and all!!Ah good~ Mo or Do if not gogo.

@Heedictator: Ah Seyoon-hyung wants credit for giving us the idea of Black&White. He wants me to edit. Yoo Seyoon hyung gave us the idea. THE Colour power Yoo Seyoon hyung. The sense-ful Yoo Seyoon hyung. The greedy yoohoohoot Yoo Seyoon hyung ㅡㅡ

Credit: @SJ_market

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